Anthropology garden and allotment
Anthropology Building
360 Video
About Anthropology garden and allotment
Please note: due to Covid-19, some of the locations may currently have safety measures in place, and be subject to reduced hours and capacity. Find out about changes on campus on our dedicated Covid-19 webpages.
Outside the Department of Anthropology there’s a peaceful garden – one of many green spaces across the campus that all students can access. It’s a lovely spot to eat your lunch or connect with nature.
Beyond the garden lawn is the Goldsmiths allotment. Created in 2015, it provides students and staff with the opportunity to grow their own food, and to reap the social and therapeutic benefits of gardening. There are 22 individual plots, as well as areas that are looked after collectively, and all gardening takes place without the use of herbicides or pesticides. There are seasonal celebrations as well as occasional workshops where people can share their knowledge about everything from heritage potatoes to bug hotels. The allotment has even been used in teaching – seminar groups sometimes come down to learn more about ecological systems and biodiversity – and it has also been used for creative writing workshops.
Near to the allotment you’ll find Print Services – where an expert and friendly team can print and bind your coursework, or produce your materials for shows and exhibitions. Nextdoor there is also the on-campus nursery, which is run by the Students’ Union and has places for 25 children aged from three months to five years.

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