Loring Hall grounds
Loring Hall
360 Panorama

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About Loring Hall grounds
Please note: due to Covid-19, some of the locations may currently have safety measures in place, and be subject to reduced hours and capacity. Find out about changes on campus on our dedicated Covid-19 webpages.
You can find a little spot of tranquillity in the Loring Hall accommodation grounds. If you are a resident in Loring Hall you can look out onto the courtyard garden from many of the rooms. This isn’t the only accommodation offering outside space for residents. You will also find charming courtyard gardens at: Chesterman House; Ewen Henderson Court and Surrey House, while Raymont Hall has a larger garden. Quantum Court and Town Hall Camberwell have roof terraces with fantastic views of London. All of these halls are in walking distance of campus, so if you are a lover of outdoor space, you have plenty of options to choose from.
This small area is just one of many green spaces that can be found on campus. You could sit with friends on the College Green, eat lunch in the Quad, or take a visit to the Anthropology gardens and allotments. These green spaces provide plenty of opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of city life without leaving the campus.
Please note that these photos are examples of our halls and layouts and size of flats may vary.

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